I remember the day she was born as if it was yesterday. I drove her mum and dad into the hospital at 5.30am on the 20th and at 6.14am she was born... And by 5.30pm I was driving all 3 home again! And so began the journey of Shyanne. They lived with me and my hubby for six months and then they moved into their own home.
So many memories.. was and still is a thumb sucker; always sniffed her food; doesn't like loud noises; loves to dance and sing; loves to rub your ear when she sucks her thumb (not with me tho I don't like it)
As her Birthday was after school broke up she had a party early so that she could invite her school friends. She wanted a pool party, like last year Nan Nan, so that's what she had. So easy and they entertained themselves.
On the night before her Birthday me and hubby along with her dad and Jacqui blew up heaps of balloons and at 6-30 in the morning we threw them up the hallway and then went outside her bedroom window with party hooters and started blowing them and singing Happy Birthday to her. You should have seen her face when she pulled the curtains back and then when she opened her bedroom door to see all the balloons. It was so worth the effort!!!!!
We then sent her on a treasure hunt - she found the first clue and a little present under the Christmas tree. She was running all over the section looking for the clues and finally found the last clue under the dining table. It was a big box but then she had to unwrap 3 more boxes to get to her real present (she was getting a little peeved by this stage - but it was funny for us to watch) Her present was a ticket to Taylor Swift in Auckland in March. Perhaps a piece of paper isn't that exciting at first but I can tell you she is very excited about the prospect of three days in Auckland.

Happy crafting